Friday, September 25, 2009

T-shirt Contest update

Due to massive demand, we will be extending the contest deadline till October 21st.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

T-shirt Contest


Dr Volts is looking to made a T-Shirt!
But alas we have no logo for it!

Do you want to show off your artistic skills?

Do you want to have the bragging rights
of making the logo for our new T-Shirts?

Would you like to win a $50 gift certificate to spend
on whatever you want in the store?

Then all you have to do is come up with a design that
we like enough to plaster on the front of a shirt!

You can draw/design/make the logo however you choose
the only requirement is that you have to include the stores
name into the logo!

Submissions due end of day Friday, Sept. 25th
Winer will be announced Sat., Sept. 26th during the signing

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Hey just some more info on the signing for you

We have both Jeff Parker and Steve Lieber coming in on Saturday the 26th of Sept. from 12 -3pm.
Under his belt Jeff has Mysterius the Unfathomable from DC, Exiles, and Agents of Atlas from Marvel. Steve drew Whiteout from Oni, which comes out in theaters this week (so go see it). They will be promoting their new book Underground from Image. I have seen the sneek peek of the first issue and it will be GOOD.

So everyone come out that day and say hi.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Jake black article

Hey guys check out this article about Jake Black writer of the Enders Game comics

Article and signing

We got Jeff Parker and Steve Lieber to come do a signing, more on that as I put details together.

We also have an article written about the store by Gavin Sheehan

check it out and tell us what you think.