Monday, May 11, 2009

Free comics and Star Trek

I know its a little late for the Free Comic Day review, but here it goes.

We had so many people come into the shop that it was standing room only, and you had to shuffle to get anywhere. I think everyone loved the comics on display, especially the new DC Blackest Night. I know this because we ran out of almost everything in about 2 hours. Next year I order more. I want to thank everyone who came out to see us, most of all the new people who used this as their first intro into the greater comic world. We hope that everyone had fun and we expect to see you come in soon.

Now as for Star Trek

As usual for a Star Trek movie the actual science is murky and there are a couple of plot holes,
But I coudn't care less. This was the most enjoyable release from the franchise in years. Everything from young Kirk and Spock to the return of Nimoy to the films just made me happy. There was enough action and drama to make this movie fly bye. I just hope that we can get more films based on the new Star Trek reality.

As always, enjoy your day